Credit card payment

      The payment industry has changed and developed very fast in recent 10 years. The credit card payment parts are the very main part of it. Third party payment not only provide just payment channel but also other services for assisting merchant to run their business and solve related issues. Settlement, account stability, industry type, transaction limitation, are all the most concerned question from merchant. Of course merchant themselves need to process the transaction based on authentic, good customer instead of invalid, fraud orders. The merchant who is honest always welcomed, meanwhile, they are supposed to take measures on improving services and preventing online risky elements. Strong risk control awareness is a very good point for run online international business. To protect ourselves for surviving long and also our customers, we are supposed to setup a series of anti-fraud system and build secured payment system with strength. But no one can say they block 100% risk from all over the world. So we also need to have an emergency defense mechanism, which enable our payment system to reduce the lost to the utmost and protect the existed resource as possible as we can.

         Experience is a very good factor for running payment system. Years of processing online transactions and serving the merchants and communicating with the bank. If you are not staying in this area for long you cannot get the point about what is going on and how to better update ourselves and serve our customers. Actually it not very hard to provide a technical IT service for online ecommerce business. You can start up your own business without strong basement. But if you can stand on the merchant side and the industry mechanism, it’s very much required experiences and your time with effort, energy and your true belief.

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