Ecommerce business maintaining advice

How to maintain a good performance in ecommerce platform for small seller in merchant account credit card processing.
There are 10 things you can do to keep a good record and avoid bad effect.

1.Reply every one of customer emails within 24 hours and solve problem actively and timely;
2.Use high quality merchandise pictures;
3. All the offered prices have to be match with ASIN and in the exactly correct category, avoiding misleading customer;
4.Only dispatch package to the address registered in the ecommerce platform;

5.Pack the merchandise appropriately and avoid damage in dispatch;

6. On time delivery and real-time follow up, timely confirming the delivery status to avoid possible issues;

7.Use traceable transportation for high price merchandise and require customer signature;
8.Immediate notification to customer upon any delay and other problems;
9.Immediate response to request of product return and refund the customer at the right time;
10.Update the stock periodically and avoiding short of stock.

What are we supposed to do in dull season

Many foreign traders included many old salesman may occur this problem: In peak period, they have made quite a lot of deals with many clients as busy as a bee. However in dull season, there is few client and can be bored to death.
Actually it is caused from the problem about they are not adept accumulating experiences and thoughts, therefore no clients. Many people spend energy on finding new clients but ignoring the clients maintaining and tracking.
You can calculate all the emails, which is very benefit for your client analysis later.
Analyze your client company situation and condition of the person you need to contact with.
Try to make more phone calls.
Do not attempt to find one direct purchasing client at one time.
Most of clients are gained by keeping tracking.
Use your current resources and accumulate all you have.

A incorniciare il quadrante c'è una lunetta decorativa che si discosta dalla tradizionale zigrinatura che si trova sulla maggior parte degli replica orologi subacquei in vendita a favore di una smerlatura più elegante, con rientranze spazzolate. L'inserto della lunetta, completo di una perla luminescente a ore dodici, è un pezzo in alluminio anodizzato in blu con graduazioni argento per le indicazioni di tempo. In linea con il tema blu, anche il quadrante è blu navy ed è decorato con un motivo a onde stampate su tutta la sua area, un vero elemento distintivo dei primi modelli. Le trame lume (rettangolari per i quarti, circolari per gli altri) sono ampie e bordate di bianco per migliorarne ulteriormente la leggibilità.


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