How does the payment-processing industry work?

Basic understanding with use case:
Acardpay applies for a Payment Gateway from a Payment gateway provider.

They got their permission & the API to integrate being a Ticket Booking Service provider Merchant.

Now, a customer has to use their card to pay.

The customer goes and feed in details and makes the payments. And gets the ticket in their mobile/email. Customer is done & enjoying movie.

Backend Process Facts:

Once a customer makes a payment, Acardpay  gets the money in 1 to 4 working days depending upon their agreement with the payment gateway provider. Its applicable in all the cases ( Debit Card, Credit Card, Wallets, Internet Banking etc.)
Once a customer makes a payment, the payment gateway which is processing the payment for the Merchant ( Acardpay  ) has to settle this payment with the following Key partners:

Card Network ( Visa/Master/Amex/Diners/Rupay etc. )
Issuing bank ( The bank whose credit/debit card the customer is using )
Acquiring bank ( The Payment gateway bank, which settles all the payment, as per the RBI regulations in India to the payment gateway account, that is Nodal Account + the Merchant ( Acardpay  ) account.
Switches: In lay man terms the connector which plays the role of connecting card network/issuing bank/acquiring bank/payment gateway.
The charges which Acardpay  charges to the customer has not a very transparent case. Acardpay  is just an example. Every merchant which gets payment gateway, has to pay some charges to the payment gateway on per transaction basis. And that charge is distributed between all the key players as mentioned above.
There are tons of things which could be explained on the same depending on case to case basis. But I have tried to sum up things above for basic understanding purpose.

If you have any further question on the same, please do ask. Would love to learn more with you on the same.

FM: Penso che il traguardo più importante risalga al 1940, molto prima della nascita del Navitimer, quando Willy Breitling inventò il cronografo con regolo calcolatore. Si chiamava Chronomat, il primo calcolatore di regoli calcolatori e il primo orologi replica Breitling intelligente. E poi l'aviazione divenne molto più comune negli anni '50, quindi venivano addestrati sempre più piloti. Il distributore statunitense di Breitling aveva già contatti con l'AOPA, la Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, e poi Willy ha avuto l'idea di sviluppare una variazione specializzata del Chronomat per i piloti, l'AOPA ha scelto quell'orologio come cronografo ufficiale e lo ha lanciato in 1954.


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