The way of thinking for sales

How to obtain more deals. This is a very much concerned question in foreign trade business for sales people. Ecommerce revolves so much complicated procedures: factory, product, sample, Payment Gateway, distributor, prices..Today we will talk about regarding this aspect. But this is only my thoughts on this for you guys reference.

Put yourself in other people’s shoes. This is a new words when I learned in my 7th grade. I spent a lot of time studying the meaning but still have not comprehended the true spirit of it. Today I will elaborate my understanding an experience on this.

We can receive a whole bunch of calls continuously everyday from freight forwarding. Except phone calls, there are app messages and calls. Most of time I will ignore these cause no fresh things in it. The information they can give is they provide lowest price, recently there is one big fire sales then ask me if I am interested in their price. Almost every one is like this. I have no other option.

Sometimes I think if they can change their mode of Tele sales, even if only one piece of point attracts me. Here I want to clear I am not judging, just some thoughts for advice.
We all know this line “Price competition has no bottom line”. I just sell plastic bag I know much better than anyone else. A lot more lower price offering out there from costal to inland, other foreign trade sales can provide much lower price than me. However a thousands of people come here for dealing with me. And where I am located requires more cost. Small price but quick turnover is a strategy almost every company can use.  Then what on earth the problem relies? Next chapter we will continue this topic.

Personalmente, replica questo orologi Rolex con lunetta in oro bianco è un orologio degno di acquisto, con un aspetto classico, assolutamente una buona scelta. È dotato del nuovissimo movimento a carica automatica 3235, oltre alle prestazioni eccezionali, ha anche una riserva di carica di 70 ore, abbastanza per la tua vita quotidiana.


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