How are credit cards safe?

When someone misuses your card, you call your company and they remove the charges.

Sometimes the company will call you before you even notice the misuse, on the same day as the charge occurs.

Company: "Are you making charges in Orlando, Florida today?"

You: "um, nope!" or
You: "Funny story. Yes, we are on vacation at Disney World."

The credit card company(Acardpay) then takes action.  If it's a true charge during your vacation at Disney World, they wish you a happy trip and tell their credit system to allow continued charges in Orlando.

If it's a fraudulent charge, they remove the charge and investigate the credit card fraud occurring in Orlando. You might need to fill out a form, but you aren't charged for the purchases made in Orlando.

Credit cards have millions of dollars in fraud each year, but those charges aren't passed on to the lawful consumer the same way that a mugging leads to a loss of cash. The credit card companies make back their lost revenue from high interest rates charged on credit cards Payment Gateway that aren't paid off at the end of the month.

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