How do you collect recurring payments online?

Building your own system is one way to go and there are good reasons to do so, especially at the beginning. Your needs are typically simple in the early stages. Maybe a couple plans on a monthly frequency. At this stage, you’re testing for product/market fit. You’re just trying to see if people are willing to pay you for your service or product.

But as you grow, your needs will get more complex. You want to add a free trial or coupons. Or perhaps you want to more easily track MRR and churn. Finance needs you to connect to their accounting software. Each feature or functionality adds to the complexity of your homegrown system. It can get to the point where you are having to build and maintain two products. Your main offering, which is the reason you went into business in the first place, and your subscription billing system.

As you grow it’s good to have a defined amount of resources that you’ll dedicate to your billing system. If you find yourself regularly going over that limit, it may be time to consider outsourcing it to a third party. You don’t want to end up with a Frankenstein’s monster on your hands. Neither your developers or your finance team will be happy with that outcome.

Vetting a third party system is dependent on the individual business’ needs. But there are a handful of great options out there depending on what those needs end up being.

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