Which payment gateways provide a recurring payment system?

There are plenty of payment gateway solutions, incorporating recurring billing systems. Many of these solutions were mentioned in other answers to this question.

So, which one of them should you choose?

In order to make a competent choice of a gateway, you need to know, which particular features you need it to support.

Some gateways support various forms of recurring billing, decline recycling process (mentioneed in other answers), account updater logic, payment plan freezes, payment plan changes, etc. Others just support most ordinary payment plan types where a client pays a fixed amount on a monthly basis until the plan is cancelled.

Here are several customer-focused recurring billing system features that make them more flexible:

Ability to freeze or defer a payment plan.
Ability to change payment amounts or billing dates.
Support for pre-payments, advanced cancellations, and buy-outs.
Support for service fee deduction, customer alerts, and automated write-offs.
Support for several payment plans under one and the same account.
Plus several technical features, allowing you to improve recurring billing process quality:

Decline credit card transaction recycling logic (Payment Concepts: Declined Card Transaction Recycling - Acardpay).
Support of BIN files.
Credit card account updater logic.
Here is a section on Acardpay blog, describing all these features in detail:

Recurring Billing Archives - Acardpay.

To summarize

You need to decide, which of the listed recurring billing related features you expect your payment gateway partner to support, and then make a fully conscious and informed choice. Although there are many gateways to choose from, after you consider all the above-mentioned factors, you may end up with just one or two suitable solutions.

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