Why do we need a payment gateway and merchant account?

To start accepting payments on your website, you need a merchant account and a payment gateway.

The first one is a special bank account where the funds captured from card sales are held before transferring to a regular bank account. To set one up, you need to sign a legal agreement between you and the issuing bank. Also, prepare for the underwriting and approval process.

The payment gateway allows you to connect your website to the payment processor. It takes all the credit card details that customers type in on your website and transfers it to the processor to get the funds released to the merchant account. The gateway authorizes cards and electronic payments by encrypting the sensitive data.

Note that it will take 2-4 weeks before you acquire an internet merchant account, so plan to have everything completed before the launch of your online business.

It’s also better to find a payment gateway with a clean and flexible API. You will then spend less time on coding and adjusting payments to your business. And remember that when you look for the cheapest payment solution, you can pay a steep price in the end.

L'orologio è stato realizzato nel 1952 e, oltre al movimento dell'ora mondiale, aveva anche una cassa in oro, smalto pizzicato e argento, su una base ottagonale di otto piedi. Le lancette dell'orologio erano fatte a mano da cortier e lo smalto era un buon esempio dell'arte della metà del XX secolo a Ginevra. Sebbene le note del museo non facciano menzione di quest'opera di cui è un ospite, ma l'orario viene fornito un indizio, perché mostra Città del Messico come il centro del mondo, mentre Città del Messico con Patek Philippe movimento svizzero replica orologi rossi smalto a smalto.


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